Zumero Tutorials

Getting Started with Zumero for SQL Server (ZSS)
A quick guided tour through the installation and setup of ZSS, including preparation and test of a ZSS-enabled database.

Using ZSS Filters
Learn how to sync subsets of server data to mobile clients, and how to serve different data to different users from the same DBFile.

Building a Zumero-enabled Xamarin.Forms application with ZAG
See how the Zumero Application Generator (ZAG) can create the foundation of your Zumero-enabled Xamarin.Forms app that runs on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

Building a Zumero-enabled Android application with ZAG
See how the Zumero Application Generator (ZAG) can create the foundation of your Zumero-enabled Android app.

Building a Zumero-enabled iOS application with ZAG
See how the Zumero Application Generator (ZAG) can create the foundation of your Zumero-enabled iOS app.

Using the ZSS Xamarin.Forms Test App
The ZSS Test App lets you test your server connections and prepared tables with a simple ZSS Client.

Upgrading from Zumero for SQL Server 1.0
Walk through the steps of upgrading from Zumero for SQL Server (ZSS) 1.x to 2.0 or higher, including license activation and upgrading the server, database, and client libraries.